Monday, September 14, 2015

Persuasive Writing #2

    Dogs are better than Cats

WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion.  This the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. I plan for a writing task
  2. I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
  3. Give reasons with detail - use specific words
  4. I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
  5. I use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly
  6. Use persuasive language

Dogs are better than cats!

In my opinion dogs are better than cats!

For example: Dogs are better than cats because cats just sit, eat, sleep, drink and poo. I mean dogs on the other hand ,dogs play, sleep with you and may be like you . dogs give you company so that you do not get sad .

Furthermore, dogs are better than cats because cats just sit, eat, sleep, drink and poo.  I mean dogs on the other hand play and sleep with you and will like you. If you be nice to them and you can give them a walk every day and a doggy biscuit . Dogs give you company so that you do not  get lonely and sad.  
Dogs are better than cats because they help sick people.
Dogs can help blind people to guide them through the busy traffic, sometimes it leads them to shops that you like and the car that they own.  
Dogs help diabetic people when their insulin has dropped, the dog will shake you until you take your medication. Dogs can sense when you are going to have a seizure.

Greyhounds race. You can bid sometimes and if your dog came in for you, you win money. Cats can't  be bothered to move. 
Dogs can sniff scent, drugs, food and plants.
Dogs can fetch and carry your mail in when you can't be bothered to get out of bed. Dogs are stronger than cats. Dogs are stronger animals. Dogs can work for the police and farmers.  Dogs can fetch balls and you can teach them tricks like they can sit, roll over, shake hands and cats can’t get teachers anything. They just lay around all day long. Dogs can pull small cars and dogs can track possible baddies.

Therefore, I think I have persuaded you that dogs are better than cats.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Animal Band Reader's Theater

Walt perform to an audiience
Success Criteria:

  • speak clearly
  • speak loudly
  • speak with expression
  • speak together as a group
On Friday September the 4th 2015, our class performed in front of 600 people.
Some of us got stage fright and some did not get stage fright. I got butterflies  in my tummy and they were annoying me so much .
Looking at 600 people seriously looked like a whole lot of seagulls waiting for you to throw food at them.
Boston had funny teeth and Liam had little eyes, they were wearing masks as robbers.
I hated it on stage because everytime I said a sentence, I got nervous.  Mrs Miller said I showed GRIT by being on stage and being a part of the team.  We had to practise again and again everyday to get better and better.   The performance was good and seeing all the people walk past was funny because they were laughing and excited.
I achieved all of the success criteria.